Benefits of Website Localization – Infographic
Localization your website into multiple languages can help boost your business and help you in more ways than you can imagine.
Localization your website into multiple languages can help boost your business and help you in more ways than you can imagine.
To some, the title of the blog, in itself, may sound a bit silly. Given the fact that we are living in an age where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is taking roots, one may ask why one needs human translators when[…]
Browsing trends have undergone a sea change over the past 10 years. Multilingual websites, which were often considered unnecessary, have become indispensable today. More than 70% users are browsing the internet in their native language and the numbers are only[…]
Many confuse website localization with translation and often the terms are used interchangeably. It is true that translation is the first step in website localization; however, the latter involves a lot of other nitty-gritty as well. What is Website Localization?[…]
Any effort to expand one’s customer base should be two-pronged. One should be directed toward retaining the existing customers and the other should focus on ways to increase the overall reach. The latter, when successful, will cause the customer base[…]
There has been a steep rise in the demand for translation services all across the globe. In the United States of America alone, the translation industry is expected to grow by a whopping 46 percent by 2022, whereas the average[…]
Translation, in simple terms, can be defined as the act of conveying the meaning of content from one language to another. This, naturally, requires that the translator should be proficient in both the source and the translated language. However, language[…]
Website localization is crucial for all global businesses. Empirical evidence points toward its significance, and there are countless success stories of companies confirming how website localization helped them grow. If that’s not enough, here’s some more food for thought: studies[…]
Around two decades ago, English was unofficially the language that dominated the internet. In 1998, 75 percent of web pages were in English . Things have changed remarkably since then, with the domination of English in the online world undergoing[…]
Many small businesses that are expanding internationally ask themselves what is the best way to translate their content. Professional translation could be very expensive, and the option to use automatic translation for free (or close to it) can be very[…]
We previously explored ways to improve your Squarespace SEO. The goal of SEO is to increase your visibility in search engines and drive more visitors to your site. Ideally, you want to rank on the first page of Google. To[…]
It’s time we address this! Squarespace users keep asking us for examples of multilingual Squarespace websites. They keep hearing about Bablic being the best solution for translating Squarespace but it seems they want to see it in action before they[…]
Growth Hacking… No one really knows what it is but it seems people can’t stop talking about it. That’s because of the results proper “growth hacking” campaigns provide, think Airbnb and Dropbox just to name a couple. In fact, Sean Ellis, who[…]
May 11th, out of nowhere, Kevin William David (founder of Walletkit) submitted our product, Bablic (easy website translation, try it here), to Product Hunt which made it to the top 10 for that day. We weren’t prepared, we weren’t even awake when it got[…]
With the recent launch and success of our “Translating Squarespace with Bablic” tutorial, we figured it’s only fair to provide some Squarespace design inspiration to our loyal readers. A little about Squarespace first for those who don’t know! Squarespace is[…]